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Help us keep our database current by updating your official record.

These updates are processed manually by our staff and it may take us 2-3 business days to process your requested updates. Thank you for your patience.

NOTE: Each tab has its own SAVE button which saves the data on just that tab.

Personal Information

Spouse / Partner

Current Spouse/Partner:

Do we need to add or remove a spouse/partner from your record? Let us know. Please include full name and UNC class year (if applicable).

High School

High School:

Updated High School Information - include city, state or country, and graduation year.

Other Education

Updated College Information

Military Service

Branches: Unknown / None

Updated Military Service Information

Student Life

Tell us what dorm or dorms you lived in, what student groups you participated in, what club sports you played, and other student involvements.

Existing Addresses

UNC has the following current addresses on your record.

Add a new address

Special Requests

Do you have any other special requests relating to addresses stored on your record?

Existing Phone Numbers

Add a New Phone Number

Special Requests

Do you have any other special requests relating to phone numbers stored on your record?

Existing Email Addresses

Add a New Email Address

Special Requests

Do you have any other special requests relating to email addresses stored on your record?

Social Media Accounts

Current Business / Employment

Career / Industry

Select up to three.

Update Business / Employment Information

New job title, or new employer? Let us know!

Privacy Settings

As an alumnus or former student, some of your information is published in the Alumni Directory, and you can update your privacy settings here. .

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