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UNC Center for Galapagos Studies

The Center for Galapagos Studies coordinates UNC’s Galapagos-related research, teaching, and outreach activities in Chapel Hill with the joint UNC/USFQ Galapagos Science Center located on San Cristobal Island in the Galapagos Archipelago.

For more information about challenges, matches, and how you can get involved on GiveUNC, visit

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  • Carolina Galapagos Science Fund (565143)
    Provides support for science, global education, and outreach in the Galapagos to foster the sustainability of human and environmental systems globally.
    The minimum amount per gift is $5.00.
  • Carolina Galapagos Science Fund (565143)
    Provides support for science, global education, and outreach in the Galapagos to foster the sustainability of human and environmental systems globally.

The University of North Carolina has thousands of funds to which you can designate your gift. Please select an area and enter a 6 digit fund number or type a part of the name of the fund.

You can also optionally search by area, or type of support.

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Challenge Information

To make sure that your gift is counted for any possible challenge matches, please provide the following information as appropriate.

Matching Gifts

Many companies match charitable donations. Does yours?


What's your inspiration to give?

Tell us a story about why you're making this gift.


If you encounter difficulties making your gift, please contact Gift Services at or (919) 537-3818.

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